Turn a HSV (hue, saturation, value) color number into an RGB color number.
light.hsv(255, 255, 255);
What’s HSV?
In your programs, color is known by RGB numbers. Another way to make color is with the HSV method. HSV means hue, saturation, and value. Sounds complicated but maybe there’s a way to think about that’s simple.
The first part, hue, is the color. A hue number of 0
means red and a hue number of 255
means violet. All of the other colors are in between those numbers.
The next number, saturation, is the amount of white light mixed in with hue. If this
number is 0
, then the color of hue is all washed away and you get some shade of grey or maybe
just white. But, when you set it to 255
, you have the full amount of the hue color.
The last number, value is how dark or light the color will be. Using 0
makes every color go
to black and using 255
makes every color go to white. Some number in between is your color at some
amount of darkness. Of course, 128
is average darkness and you will clearly see your
color with value set to that.
To make a pure color of blue, the HSV settings are:
let pureBlue = light.hsv(170, 255, 128)
If you like a mint color, then use these HSV settings:
let mint = light.hsv(85, 128, 217)
- hue: a number that is the color (between 0 and 255), like: 92 for green
- sat: a number that is the amount of white in the color (between 0 and 255), like: 51
- val: a number that is the darkness of the color (between 0 and 255), like: 128
- a number that is the RGB value for the HSV settings.
Make a new color of yellow to use on your pixels. Try the new color when you press the A
let strip = light.createStrip()
let myYellow = light.hsv(43, 228, 217)
input.buttonA.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Click, () => {
See also