
Graph a number using the pixels on the pixel ring.

light.graph(0, 0);

The ||light:graph|| block turns the pixel ring into a lighted graph to display number values.

light.graph(6, 10)

In this case, the range of values you want to graph is 10. This matches the total number of pixels on the board, so 6 pixels would light up.

If you wanted to graph values between 0 and 20, each pixel now means a difference in value of 2 instead of 1. That means if you show a value of 6 when the range is 20, 3 pixels will light up. This graph block shows the value of 6 when the range limit is 20:

light.graph(6, 20)

The pixel ring will have 3 pixels turned on since each pixel represents a change of 2 in value:

light.graph(6, 20)

Auto scale

If you use 0 for high (or leave the parameter empty), the graph will auto scale. That means that the largest number you use in value will set the limit of the range. This way you can use ||light:graph|| many times, like in a loop, to show a bunch of numbers when you’re not sure what the biggest one will be. As an example, let’s graph the value of 10 once, then graph 100. Graph 10 again and see how many pixels light up.


The first two times a value is graphed, a new limit for the range is set. All the pixels are used to show both 10 and 100. The next time 10 is graphed only one pixel is on because the last maximum value was 100 and that value set the range limit.

Auto scale will eventually reset and current value becomes the range limit if you haven’t used ||light:graph|| in the last 10 seconds.


  • value: a number that is the value to show on the pixels.
  • high: an optional high number that is limit of the graphing range. A value of 0 lets the graph auto scale.

The ||light:graph|| block also writes the number from value to the serial port as a way to help you record values.


Graph of ten

Graph all 10 values between 1 and 10 on the pixels. Set the range limit to 10.

for (let i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
    light.graph(i + 1, 10)

Accelerometer (g-meter)

Graph the acceleration of the board in the x direction on the pixels.

forever(function () {

Sound meter

Show the loudness of sounds nearby on the pixels.

forever(function () {

Auto range graph

Graph random values upto 1000. Let them auto scale when displayed.

forever(() => {
    light.graph(Math.randomRange(0, 1000))

See also

set all
