Making the Cloud

Make this musical cloud with your Adafruit Circuit Playground Express!

Important: make sure the Code portion of this project is done before making the cloud! Otherwise, it will be hard to download your code once the cloud make is done.

Duration ~ 30 minutes

Step 1: Setting Up the Lantern

Open your paper lantern from the package and expand it. Tape your Adafruit Circuit Playground Express at the bottom of the inside of your lantern. Tape your NeoPixels strip to the side of the inside of your lantern in a circular pattern.


Next, cut a small hole on the bottom of the lantern near the board and put the wire for the battery pack through the paper. Connect it to your Adafruit Circuit Playground Express and let the battery pack hang down outside of the lantern.


Step 2: Making the Cloud

Now, hot glue your polyester filling or cotton onto the lantern piece by piece. Get creative and make your cloud have an interesting shape!


Step 3: Finishing Touches

Cut a piece of string to let the cloud hang down to a length you like. Tie both ends to the lantern so you can hang your cloud!


Finally, draw 2 lightning bolts and color them yellow. Cut out the lighting bolts and tape each one on either side of the battery pack. This helps to hide the battery pack.



Congrats! You have finished creating your cloud. Hang it from the ceiling and turn the battery pack on and let the music begin!
