
With the Necklace Test example code, we simply turned on all the lights of our necklace to one color. There are many different ways we can program our necklace lights. The Loudness Necklace is one example where you can change the lights based on the sound level. In this project, we’ll program a few different animations to show on our necklace.

  • If you don’t already have it open, go to MakeCode.
  • From the Home page, create New Project.

New Project button

  • At the bottom of the screen, name your project Necklace.

Project name

First, we need to set up our 4 Flora NeoPixel lights as 2 strips of lights – connected to A1 on the left side, and connected to A6 on the right side.

  • From the ||loops:LOOPS|| Toolbox drawer, drag out an ||loops:on start|| block to the Workspace.

on start block

  • Click on the ||light:LIGHT|| Toolbox drawer, then click on the ||light:NEOPIXEL|| drawer underneath it.
  • Drag out the first ||light:set strip|| block onto the Workspace and drop into the ||loops:on start|| block.

set strip block

let strip = light.createStrip(pins.A1, 30)
  • In the ||light:set strip|| block, click on the strip drop-down menu, and select Rename variable…

Rename strip variable

  • Type LeftLights as the variable name
  • In the ||variables:set LeftLights|| block, change the number of pixels from 30 to 2.
let LeftLights = light.createStrip(pins.A1, 2)
  • Right-click on the ||variables:set LeftLights|| block and select Duplicate from the context menu.

Dupilcate set variable block

  • Drag the duplicated ||variables:set LeftLights|| block into the ||loops:on start|| block.
  • In the second ||variables:set LeftLights|| block, click on the ||variables:LeftLights|| drop-down menu, and select New variable…

Select new variable in block menu

  • Type RightLights as the new variable name.
  • In the ||variables:set RightLights|| block, click on the A1 drop-down menu, and select A6.
let LeftLights = light.createStrip(pins.A1, 2)
let RightLights = light.createStrip(pins.A6, 2)

Now let’s set up 3 different light animations that will play when we press button A, button B, and buttons A and B together on our Adafruit Circuit Playground Express.

  • From the ||input:Input|| Toolbox drawer, drag out (3) ||input:on button click|| blocks onto the Workspace.
  • Using the ||input:button A|| drop-down menu, change two of the blocks to ||input:button B|| and ||input:buttons A+B||.
input.buttonA.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Click, function () {})
input.buttonB.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Click, function () {})
input.buttonsAB.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Click, function () {})
  • In the ||variables:VARIABLES|| Toolbox drawer, click on the |Make a Variable| button.

Make a variable button

  • Type Anim as the new variable name. This will hold our light animation value.
  • From the ||variables:VARIABLES|| Toolbox drawer, drag (3) ||variables:set Anim|| blocks onto the Workspace and drop one each into the ||input:on button click|| blocks.
input.buttonA.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Click, function () {
    Anim = 0
input.buttonB.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Click, function () {
    Anim = 0
input.buttonsAB.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Click, function () {
    Anim = 0
  • From the ||light:LIGHT|| Toolbox drawer, scroll all the way down to the bottom and drag (3) animation value blocks (the block looks like a round rainbow circle) onto the Workspace and drop one each into the ||variables:set Anim|| blocks, replacing the 0.
  • For two of the animation value blocks, click on the drop-down menu to select a different animation.

Set the animations

Let’s add some logic to be able to play and stop our animations. We’ll use the value of the switch to determine this – when we move the switch to the right our animations will play, but when the switch is moved to the left we’ll stop the animations and turn off the lights.

Slide switch on the board

  • From the ||logic:LOGIC|| Toolbox drawer, drag an ||logic:if then else|| block onto the Workspace and drop it into the ||loops:forever|| loop .
forever(function () {
    if (true) {
    } else {
  • From the ||input:INPUT|| Toolbox drawer, scroll all the way down to the bottom and drag a ||input:on switch right|| block onto the Workspace and drop into the ||logic:if|| block, replacing ||logic:true||.
forever(function () {
    if (input.switchRight()) {
    } else {
  • From the ||light:LIGHT|| Toolbox drawer, drag a ||light:show animation|| block and drop into the top slot of the ||logic:if then else|| block.
  • From the ||variables:VARIABLES|| Toolbox drawer, drag an ||variables:Anim|| variable value block and drop into the ||light:show animation|| block, replacing the default rainbow animation.
let Anim: light.NeoPixelAnimation = null
forever(function () {
    if (input.switchRight()) {
        light.showAnimation(Anim, 500)
    } else {
  • Click on the ||light:LIGHT|| Toolbox drawer, then click on the ||light:NEOPIXEL|| drawer underneath it.
  • Drag out (2) ||light:strip show animation|| blocks and drop them into the top slot of the ||logic:if then else|| block after the previous ||light:show animation|| block.
  • In each of the ||light:strip show animation|| blocks, click on the strip variable drop-down menu and select the ||variables:LeftLights|| and ||variables:RightLights|| variables.

Select the RightLights variable in animation block

  • From the ||variables:VARIABLES|| Toolbox drawer, drag (2) ||variables:Anim|| variable value blocks and drop one each into the ||light:LeftLights show animation|| and ||light:RightLights show animation|| blocks, replacing the default rainbow animation.
let Anim: light.NeoPixelAnimation = null
let LeftLights = light.createStrip(pins.A1, 2)
let RightLights = light.createStrip(pins.A6, 2)
forever(function () {
    if (input.switchRight()) {
        light.showAnimation(Anim, 500)
        LeftLights.showAnimation(Anim, 500)
        RightLights.showAnimation(Anim, 500)
    } else {
  • From the ||light:LIGHT|| Toolbox drawer, scroll to the bottom and drag a ||light:clear|| block onto the Workspace. Drop into the ||logic:else|| slot.
  • Click on the ||light:LIGHT|| Toolbox drawer, then click on the ||light:NEOPIXEL|| drawer underneath it.
  • Drag out (2) ||light:strip clear|| blocks onto the Workspace and drop into the ||logic:else|| slot underneath the previous ||light:clear|| block.
  • In each of the ||light:strip clear|| blocks, click on the strip variable drop-down menu and select the ||variables:LeftLights|| and ||variables:RightLights|| variable.
let Anim: light.NeoPixelAnimation = null
let LeftLights = light.createStrip(pins.A1, 2)
let RightLights = light.createStrip(pins.A6, 2)
forever(function () {
    if (input.switchRight()) {
        light.showAnimation(Anim, 500)
        LeftLights.showAnimation(Anim, 500)
        RightLights.showAnimation(Anim, 500)
    } else {

Your final program should look something like the following:

input.buttonA.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Click, function () {
    Anim = light.rainbowAnimation
input.buttonB.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Click, function () {
    Anim = light.cometAnimation
input.buttonsAB.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Click, function () {
    Anim = light.colorWipeAnimation
let Anim: light.NeoPixelAnimation = null
let LeftLights = light.createStrip(pins.A1, 2)
let RightLights = light.createStrip(pins.A6, 2)
forever(function () {
    if (input.switchRight()) {
        light.showAnimation(Anim, 500)
        LeftLights.showAnimation(Anim, 500)
        RightLights.showAnimation(Anim, 500)
    } else {

Test your program in the Simulator by pressing the A button, the B button and the A+B button to see the different animations play, and then moving the Switch to the left to turn off all the lights. Once you’re happy with your program, download it onto your necklace!

Beaded necklace in action